Monday 28 February 2011

25. Caviar Spoon

Since yesterday's post was about vodka, I am keeping the theme going today with another not so British sounding item - a caviar spoon. This is made from Ox horn in Lancashire.

Each bit of horn is taken from an animal that  has already died - never as a direct result of the industry - and is cut down to form a workable raw material. The horn is heated which makes it malleable although not over heated which would cause it to distort and set becoming brittle.

The horn worker then uses a mould to press the spoon into shape before cutting the excess and then sanding to create the smooth surface and edges of the spoon. The spoon is taken through a number of stages of sanding until finally being polished to create a shining, gloss-like surface which is ideal to complement delicacies such as caviar.

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